Architecture with people and the environment in mind
We appreciate that when you are planning a new project it can be difficult to know where to begin.
An initial site visit and consultation is offered to all potential clients, free of charge.
-At this first meeting we give you an indication regarding the feasibility of the project in both planning and building terms.
-We may also suggest alternative ways of meeting your requirements.
-After the meeting we will write to you with our fee quotation.
-This will usually be calculated using our assessment of the amount of time and resources required to undertake your project in the correct, professional manner.
-Historically, architects have calculated fees as a percentage of final construction cost, but we find it more economic to charge on a daily rate for the actual hours put in.
-Our fees are always fixed and agreed in advance. We will never charge you for anything without your agreement. The timing of invoices will made clear at the outset.
Workstage 1 - Feasibility Study
Carry out a measured survey of the relevant parts of your existing property, incorporating the site conditions.
Provide existing survey drawings to scale required for any Planning Applications.
Work with you to develop your brief and aspirations for your project.
Provide Outline Proposals for your project to provide 3D views in CAD & SketchUp
Establish the planning strategy
Confirm the brief, stylistic aspirations and financial feasibility
Workstage 2 - Planning Permission
Prepare freehand sketch design options for your approval
Liaise with the design team to confirm buildability
Prepare a full set of outline design drawings in CAD and SketchUp
Prepare and collate all the supporting planning paperwork
Submit the full package as a planning submission to the planning department
Liaise with the case officer at the planning department and provide any additional material required
Workstage 3 - Detail design
Provide the Design Guide to confirm the specification of all items
Confirm the construction and materiality of the proposals with the Structural Engineer
Liaise with the design team to confirm suitability of the detail design
Prepare a full set of Building Regulations material and submit to the local authority
Prepare the Pre-Construction Information Pack allowing for an accurate cost of the works
Prepare a Schedule of Works to quantify all te built elements
Workstage 4 - Contracts & Construction
Tender the project to a number of suitable Main Contractors
Interview each of the Main Contractors, take references and confirm suitability
Prepare a fixed price contract with a timetable for your approval
Make site visits to confirm the quality of the work and prepare interim payments
Prepare the certificate of Practical Completion
Prepare a list of defects and manage the snagging process 6 months after completion
Planning a self build project? We can help you with some or all aspects of it.